Foreign Pilots - training in Canada
Exciting news! If you have a current pilot's license and a valid medical certificate from outside Canada, you can train at Red River Aviation Services Ltd.!
There are several options for obtaining a seaplane rating in Canada. We encourage you to reach out to Transport Canada as well
Depending on whether you want to fly solo, you may need to obtain a Foreign Licence Validation Certificate (FLVC) . You can apply for your FLVC before coming to Canada and it will take 2-5 business days.
Some options at RRAS include:
Flightseeing on our dual yoke floatplanes with an RRAS pilot (No FLVC required)
Do a few hours of dual floatplane training (No FLVC required)
Fly solo in a floatplane in Canada (You need a licence and float rating from your home country, and a a FLVC from Transport Canada)
Get the full Seaplane Rating to fly floatplanes commercially in Canada (You need a Canadian CPL or ATPL)
Get the full Seaplane Rating to fly floatplanes commercially in your own country (Ask your regulator if you can apply for a Seaplane Rating in your home country with dual seaplane training in Canada)
You already have a Seaplane Rating from your home country and want to fly seaplanes in Canada. (You need an FLVC)
Contact the Transport Canada office
E-mail: tc.aviationservicespnr-servicesaviationrpn.tc@tc.gc.ca
Phone: (204) 983-4341
What is an FLVC?
Visitors to Canada can have their licences validated for the purposes of recreational flying within Canada with the Foreign licence Validation Certificate (FLVC) from Transport Canada.
A FLVC is valid for one year and allows you the same privileges you have in your home country. But you cannot add any new licence or ratings. After one year you can renew it or apply for a permanent Canadian pilot licence.
How to apply for the FLVC
Application form:
*Note: on the application form, check the “Flight Training” box in Part C
For more information on how to apply, go to:
FLVC Documents Checklist
NOTE: RRAS cannot supply or authorize any of these documents. You have to apply directly to Transport Canada. But we will help in any way we can.
A copy of your pilot’s licence
A valid medical from the same country that issued your pilot’s licence
A valid English or French language proficiency rating to a minimum “Operational Level” (ICAO level 4).
The copy of the data page from your passport (indicating photo identification, name signature, date of birth and citizenship).
A fee of $45, which can be included in the application form or pay online.
Complete the Seaplane Rating and fly in Canada
If you want the full Seaplane Rating, you can go through 2 routes:
Get a Canadian pilot licence (PPL, CPL or ATPL) and then a Canadian Seaplane Rating
Train on seaplanes in Canada and then apply for the Seaplane Rating in your home country (no solo allowed)
As for flying commercially in Canada, whether it be wheeled or floats, you will need a Commercial Pilots Licence.
Train in Canada then apply for the Seaplane Rating in your home country
This is the best option if you plan to fly seaplanes back in your home country. First contact your home country’s regulatory office and get a detailed list of their requirements. Often you require photocopies of the logbook signed off by the training pilot or company. Make sure the process is crystal clear to you before leaving your home country. Get everything in writing or in an email before you leave.
Foreign Licence: Obtaining a Canadian pilot licence on the Basis of a Foreign licence
RRAS can only give Seaplane Ratings on Canadian pilot licences. You can convert your licence to a Canadian licence, as long as your current licence is valid and has been issued by a country that is a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Unless you hold a FAA licence, it can be a lengthy process.
It is worth it if you plan to fly in Canada regularly. If you decide to go forward, apply for the Private Pilot licence (PPL) unless you plan to fly commercially and can get a work permit in Canada.
Applying for the Canadian Private Pilot licence (PPL)
Obtain a Canadian Medical Certificate (Class 3 or higher)
Have at least 45 hours total flight time, including 12 hours solo, 5 hours solo cross-country, 3 hours dual cross-country and 5 hours instrument time
Pass a written exam with 90% or higher (Transport Canada study guide: http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/civilaviation/publications/tp11919-menu-1135.htm and you can study here for free: http://www.flyingstart.ca/FlightTraining/PSTAR/PSTARIndex.htm)
Complete 5 take-offs and 5 landings within the 6 months preceding the date of application
Complete an Aviation-Language Proficiency Test (Canadian or ICAO is acceptable)
Once you’ve completed these, Transport Canada will issue a licence indicating it was issued on the basis of the foreign licence. To remove that annotation from the licence, you must successfully complete a PPL flight test and the full PPL written examination.
FAA Licence: Obtaining a Canadian pilot licence if you hold a FAA licence
Transport Canada and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have an agreement that makes it easy for pilots of both countries to transfer their licences.
Important for US Pilots: Holders of a FAA airman certificate issued on the basis of another foreign pilot licence are not eligible for conversion under these Implementation Procedures. So all you airline pilots who trained in the US have to apply under the licence from your home country.
If you hold a FAA Private Pilot licence (PPL) and want to convert it to a Canadian licence, here are the steps:
Have a minimum of 45 hours total time
Obtain a Canadian medical certificate (Class 3 or higher). It takes up to a month or so for Transport Canada to mail the medical certificate and you must bring it with you to write the exam, so plan ahead. Your FAA medical must also be valid for the application.
Pass the written examination on air laws and communication
Complete the application form:
Pay the fee of $55 CDN
No flight test required
For more information on FAA to certificate to Transport Canada Civil Aviation license, see this link: